Chapter Elections Open Until November 20

Dear STC Berkeley chapter member:

As the end of the year approaches, so does the annual election for our chapter officers. I am writing to ask you to consider running for one of the elected offices. Holding a chapter office will get you more involved in what is happening in the chapter, giving you an opportunity to help shape the future of STC Berkeley. It can also help in your career—another item for your resume.

The chapter has five elected offices. You can run for any one of them.

If you choose to do so, please e-mail by November 20. We will need to know which office you want to run for, and we will also need your candidate statement to put on the ballot.

Here is a bit about each office, including a description excerpted from the chapter by-laws.

  • PRESIDENT. The President sets the overall direction for the chapter in accordance with the charter. Conducts both chapter meetings and Leadership Council meetings. Hires and fires volunteer managers. For this office, it helps if you have experience in management, or have served on a board for a non-profit organization or done something similar, but it is not necessary.
  • VICE-PRESIDENT, PROGRAMS. Recruits guest speakers for chapter meetings, and performs other duties as necessary to ensure the success of chapter events. Also plays host to the guest speakers. If you know a lot of people in the technical communication field, or you want a legitimate reason to get to know a lot of them, this might be a good fit for you.
  • VICE-PRESIDENT, MEMBERSHIP. Responsible for tracking, retaining, and recruiting chapter members. Do  you have ideas for bringing in new members, or for getting current members more involved?
  • TREASURER. Responsible for chapter finances, including depositing income and paying expenses. A knowledge of accounting principles is a big help, as is experience doing something similar in the past.
  • SECRETARY. Records the Leadership Board meetings and publishes the minutes. This office doesn’t demand many hours’ work per month, but you get more involved in the chapter business, and have a vote in leadership decisions. It helps if you are good at taking notes during discussions.

I hope to hear from some of you soon. And I will be happy to answer any questions you have about the offices or about running for office.


Joseph Devney
Elections Manager
Berkeley chapter, Society for Technical Communication


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