Wednesday, May 8 – Marketing For Technical Writers: Learn Marketing Principles and Tips to Enhance Your Career Options and Growth

The lines between marketing writing (copywriting) and technical writing are blurring in the job market. Even though technical writers are increasingly asked to provide marketing content, many hiring managers, recruiters, and technical writers don’t appreciate the significant differences between the two kinds of writing. So what are the differences, which kind of writing might appeal to you more, and what can you learn to enable you to do both kinds of writing?

Jim Driggers of Writing Jim will present a comparison of marketing and technical communication based on his industry knowledge and experience producing both kinds of writing. He will introduce tech comm folks to the marcom world and discuss copywriting principles that help technical writers create better marketing copy.

Don’t forget to buy tickets.

About the speaker:

Driggers is a freelance technical writer and copywriter. He specializes in writing business operations policies and procedures and website marketing content for small businesses. Jim has helped companies in the San Francisco Bay Area, United States, United Kingdom, Australia, and Kenya improve their business operations. He has written award-winning feature articles for magazines and a variety of marketing content such as company websites, blog posts, brochures, white papers, and business prospectuses.

Event info

Time: Wednesday, May 8, 2019 6 p.m.

Location: Highlands Country Club 110 Hiller Drive, Oakland, CA 94618

6:00 to 7:00 pm: Networking, conversation & dinner
7:00 to 7:15 pm: Announcements
7:15 to 8:30 pm: Presentation
8:30 to 9:00 pm: Conversation, follow up on job announcements
9:00 to 9:15 pm: Clear the room; move conversations to the sidewalk

Important notes:

  • Ride sharing. Do you need a ride to the meeting? Contact and we will try to match you with someone who is driving or help to arrange a ride from Rockridge BART.
  • Members of other chapters welcomed. If you belong to another STC chapter, you can attend our meetings for the regular price.
  • IABC members welcome. All members of the San Francisco Chapter of the IABC are welcome to register for Berkeley STC General Meetings at the member price.
  • Non-members can attend. You don’t have to be a member to attend our meetings. See the link above for tickets.
  • Tell us if you’re hiring or job-hunting. Attendees are encouraged to announce open positions or to announce that they are searching for work. Feel free to bring job listings, resumes, or business cards for distribution.
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